A free service platform, that gives its users the ability to find the ideal “therapist” for them and book an online appointment with him/her, quickly and easily.
You can search for a therapist based on specialty, location and gender.
Quickly & easily!
Navigate through the various categories to choose the ideal “therapist” for you and book online the date and time you prefer according to their real-time availability.
In every therapist’s profile you may find personal information such as their curriculum, studies, publications, specialties, insurance coverage, as well as videos and articles, etc.
You have to be member of Your Therapist by completing the sign-up process, which is for free. Once your book an appointment, a confirmation email will reach your inbox.
In case you need to cancel your booking, you have to alert us at least 24hours prior to it, either via email or by telephone.
Certified partners are considered those with proven professional status.
Watch Your Therapist 'How to' Videos and find out how you can edit your business profile (image change, price editing, location, availability, etc) easily.